Weekend Snapshot - My Great Boracay Adventure!


  1. woww....you have great adventure this week :D

    thanks visiting mine.

  2. I try that on my honeymoon to Bali, Indonesia...but the last time I visited Bali, I was 5 months pregnant (in 2005) , so of course, I don't have a gut to try that. But love to ride that thing again. :)

  3. great shot sis! nice and I love it..

  4. That looks like a lot of fun! Even to me--and I fear heights!

  5. Wow, is that you? Makes me wish for summer.

  6. That looks pretty fun and cool!! I wanna be the one up there :P

    PLO, you've been tag here. Check it out :)

  7. that looks so fun! happy WS! Mine is on this LINK.

  8. Looks like you had a lot of fun, the weather looks perfect

  9. i would love to try my hands on that, but haven't the chance yet. hehe.

    thanks for visiting my blog. you have a great week ahead! :)

  10. Now, that's what I call fun and that's what I failed to do when I was in Boracay. I was scared out of my wits of heights! Anyway,wish I could go back to Bora and have the guts to do parasailing by that time.-Joshua/http://joshuatree.sasha-says.com. :-)

  11. I have always been too chicken to try that! Great shot!

  12. That looks so cool. I would be to scared to attempt it.

  13. nice shot.. did you go parasailing?? anyways, got something for you here in my blog.

    take care!

  14. Nice one!! I, maybe, will try this one day.. One of my weird wishes is to try bunjee jump. How can I achieve that if seeing this scares me already. Hehe.

  15. that's great...have a nice weekend

  16. wow! wanna try it too...you really had a goodtimes...
    have a nice day!


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