Twisted Pasta!

Last night, we went out to have our dinner with friends. It was fantastic, to have a night out with friends... Funny! it just so happened that I ate this twisted pasta...LOL! Pasta comes in all shapes and sizes. Each pasta is typically matched with a particular sauce based on cooking time. One of my favorite shape is this with nourishing Italian sauce ragù alla bolognese.


  1. Oops...hit enter too quick. My guy, the one that I used for the theme, LOVES these cute little twisted pastas!

  2. that looks yummy! :)
    happy photo hunting!

  3. Great idea. I never thought of pasta even when eating a plate on Thursday! Happy weekend

  4. Twisted pasta, now why didn't I think of that!

  5. One of my favorite pastas :) The spiral :P I'm tempted to have them for dinner tonite after seeing this picture..

  6. Now that is appetizing twisted !

    Pearl - have a good weekend and happy hunting

  7. I was thinking of cooking this and shooting the end product but there were too many sick people at home now. The weather has been real bad over here with many people down with fever and flu. Anyway, great shot this week :)

  8. Gimme!!! Looks soooooooooo good!!!

    I'm Twisted! Drop by if you can. Happy Hunting.

  9. I didn't even think about pasta - what a great idea.

  10. I never thought of that one! Good choice!

  11. Perfect shot for the theme.
    Looks really yummy!

  12. Oh, that's a good one for twisted!

  13. Thanks for coming over for show and tell yesterday - your tulips are lovely - our crocuses have been out and now the tulips and daffodils are breaking through. I love spring, but it doesn't last long enough around here.

  14. Oh that pasta looks so dee-lish! Good take on the theme Photo Hunters! :D The seafood pizza looked good too!

  15. I was so close to use pasta for my twisted entry as well. :)


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