13 Things to Do to Keep From Getting Bored at Work

1. Separate your work life from your home life.
2. Seek to have a 'right-sizableness' working hours.
3. Think about work when you have your badge on.
4. Develop other interests that you can look forward to.
5. Stop expecting your job to provide things it simply can't.
6. Revise your attitude, seeing life from a different perspective.
7. Put in mind that "a perfect job" doesn't exist.
8. Change your expectations.
9. Don't get angry and walk off the job.
10.Refresh yourself, recharge your batteries before starting again.
11.Improve your skills, challenge yourself to get better at it.
12.If the job expect to be your life, maybe it's time to find a new one… look for a more exciting option.
13. Control your own destiny! Spend the time to do right things.


  1. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  2. And I just have to do nothing, lol ! I don't work anymore, but your tips are good !

  3. I'm a swim instructres, so what I do to keep myself from getting bored?

    I imagine I'm at the beach watching surf hunks!! :P

    Happy Thursday!

  4. #s 5 and 7 are very good!!! I am retired, but your list makes a lot of sense for the working people.

    My 13 is posted, come join me?
    Happy Thursday.

  5. Great list. I like your blog!

  6. Number 5 about says it all. Happy T13!

  7. Peter Plum here under my other name...

    Thanks for stopping by my TT. You're right, a lot of keeping from being bored is your mindset, and keeping things challenging.

  8. This is why I love teaching 10 year olds--there is no such thing as bored!

  9. Those are great suggestions. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

  10. Excellent perspective! Good T-13!

  11. Blog at work. It makes you like busy but your blogging! Happy TT

  12. Great tips. Yup, there's no perfect job out there. You are so right. Happy TT. Thanks for visiting mine.

  13. Well said. I work from home, so it's crazy most of the time! A mixed blessing...

  14. Great advice! #8 is perfect :) Happy TT and thanks for stopping by :)

  15. This should be the list for dealing with a miserable job. When you love your job, you don't need to change your attitude.

  16. Great ideas! My cousin used to say that boredom was an inability to deal with yourself. I never thought about it until recently.

    Happy TT!

  17. Good reminders. I happen to love my work---though there are those days... However, I tell my folks that this is work, not Life. Life is over there---and you need to have one!

  18. Wow! You are so much more positive about work than I am lately.

    Thanks for stopping by my WW and TT this week. I hope I did not scare you away with my snark.

    Another thing to do to keep from getting bored at work: Plurk.

    By the way, your OpenID thingamajig is not working:


  19. Great ideas.

    My job is being a mom, so I hope I do not get too bored. Haha!

  20. What a great attitude towards work! Super pointers!

  21. Oh my gosh. You really have a gr8 list here. Definitely know what you're talking about.

    Tho't I'd stop by and thank you for coming by. Though you didn't guess what the foto was, I appreciate your visit. Hence, I bequeath *sloppy wet kissies* to you on today's post *wink*

  22. Great list...Im all for #13. If only those idiots would stop standing in my way;) Happy TT and thanks for stopping by.

  23. Great list...we think alot alike. Happy TT and thanks for stopping by:)

  24. Those were a good tip and reminder! Sometime work is fun and other time it bored. Mine fall on both and when I do get bored, I remember you tip :) Thanks!

    Thanks for visiting my blog, I hope you have a good day! :)

  25. Nice list. I like the last one especially...I hope you're right!


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