Sausage Please!

My weekend heels kicked!

The world of food had suddenly spread out expressively. More than anything else, one restaurant in Bologna, Italy (sorry forgot the name) where my first formidable adversary. The place I started my love affair with Italian food. Ohhh, yes... I love prosciutto crudo, coppa and the noblest of all pork products "mortadella Bolognese" a traditional pork sausage of Bologna.


  1. those are huge sussages! They are going to cut them up to serve people rite?

  2. There is such variety! Wow. I remember all the sausages in Ireland, but they did not have such colorful names!

  3. I am used to Italian food now,, since my hubbys heritage is Italian ... The're yummmsss

    here is mine

  4. Hmmmm... I wonder how it would taste. Great shots!

    my weekend snapshots are posted here and here. Hope you can drop by. Have a great week ahead.

  5. oh what a

  6. i love everything about italian food except how they are called & pronounced! hahaha!

  7. super huge sausages dae!!! grabi ang laki laki...

  8. Merci du passage et du commentaire

  9. i havent tried bologna, i bet here is not as good there. my hubby would tease me that its all made up of pieces of left over of pork like eyes, tongue, liver, ears.. hehehe.. etch. i know he is just kidding but somehow it made me think about it.

  10. Those are huge sausages!!!!!! Great picture.

    Thanks for stopping by.


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