Pacquiao and De La Hoya fight!

I am supposed to be wordless, but I could not resist writing about this first as it's news that we Filipinos should be proud. Manny Pacquiao makes us all Filipinos proud with his dazzling victory. A moment of glory for every Pinoy in all corners of the globe when Manny Pacquiao became the worlds best pound for pound fighter by beating Mexican Golden Boy Oscar de la Hoya. This is Pinoy Power striking appearance to the world. The world's best class fighter today and brought the Philippines into a positive news and tittle the international proceedings. His victory is Filipino's upward morale shove.

Congratulations Pacman!


  1. It sounds like it was a great fight. Congratulations to Pacquiao

  2. Shame on me for having missed the fight!!!

    I bet Pacquiao made a whole nation very happy...

    Happy WW!

    My WW post...

  3. I'm sure all in Philippines are proud of him :)

  4. Great shot. We totally missed the fight though. I bet it was great.Happy WW:)

  5. I have been reading about this. Congrats to him.

  6. Though I'm not a Pinoy, but I'm sure all of you are proud of him. Happy WW! :)

  7. i had fun watching the match last Sunday. Pacman has the heart of a true fighter.

  8. it was indeed a very good match

    mine is up

  9. I don't follow sports at all, so I had no idea the Oscar De La Hoya was beaten.

  10. Congrats to your winner, unforunately I don't know what pound to pound sport is.

  11. Wow...I hadn't heard anything about this. then again, I'm in France & everyone here is chattering about rugby, which tends to dominate the sports pages.

    Congrats to your fighter beating De La Hoya! :)

  12. I don't follow boxing but it sounds like quite a big deal. Congratulations.

  13. This looks like a great fight. Congrats to Mr. P.

    I just realized I deleted a comment you made on my blog by mistake, and didn't even read it! I am so sorry. It was probably my Watery Wednesday post. Please come visit again. My apologies! Sara

  14. Congrats to Pacquiao! I don't follow boxing, but everyone loves a cinderella story!

    Happy WW!

  15. I'm sorry I don't follow boxing, but great picture. Happy WW!!

  16. I was nervous before the fight started but i told myself what ever it comes out I still support Manny and be Proud of him.


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