It’s been a while!

It’s been a while (!) Thank you so much for your visits, when I was out of the loop... The creation of the modern travel, campers are a fun way to take a long trip. The best way to experience a very cozy scenery and spending like snug as a bug in a rug, and we can stop in a beautiful surroundings...


  1. Welcome back! You have gone for a long time. :)

    You went round the country in a caravan?

  2. Better start driving it before the gas prices go up again :(

  3. That looks like a fun way to travel. Good to see you back.

  4. Welcome back to WW! Ü

    I love having a van like that for traveling :)

  5. Finally i see a real caravan. Heard about it in a classical music called In the Steppes of Central Asia. :)

  6. Now that looks like a stress free life!!! Happy WW:)

  7. I've got a camper myself and it's the only way to travel and really see stuff.

  8. I remember the camping days. From tent to camper.

  9. I'd love to take a road trip with a camper one day! Happy WW and thanks for the visit :)

  10. :) fun way to travel :)

    happy WW

  11. Looks like some great trip on the caravan you've experienced!!
    Welcome back :)


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