Huge Ice cream cornet!

First of all, I would like to thank all the commentators and people in my chatbox.... THANK YOU SO MUCH! The answers to your questions, behind the huge ice cream cornet...(delicious entry)... It was last summer when I got this photo in Florence, Italy.

Although the exact origins of ice cream have been lost in history, there are many intriguing legends and myths which surround it. Florence, Italy claims the first ice cream known as gelato in Italy in 1565 by Bernardo Buontalenti.

The huge Ice cream cornet that I have here! The archive breaking summer heat has had us all seeking hole up the gelaterias! What a choice they have in Florence Italy, besides the classically awesome Ice cream or gelato in Italy that I had here, coffee flavor (beige color) and the yellow color was "crema" (Italian language) means cream flavor.

Whatever season, ice cream is always fabulous and delicious. Enjoy it anytime, anywhere, and hopefully in Florence, Italy!


  1. hehe nice naman, thanks for sharing it friend. Salamat din sa vote ha kung maari sana araw-arawin mo vote ha daily kasi yan.

  2. so it's coffee and cream? hehe! yummy. ;) and thanks for that short info about the ice cream history. :)


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