Wine by Demijohn

I cannot do a wordless without saying something... I guess I owe you, guys a story on my previous entry. We are living in the world's wine region which was shared alike some countries in Europe despite the differences in drinking cultures. A meal without wine is like a day without sunshine. Wine and food are like a man and a woman.

The cheapest way to buy a good wine is by demijohn. Demijohn is a large bottle having a short and narrow neck... Just some photos to share.

A typical demijohn contains about 30 to 35 liters of wine.

The welcoming wine lady.


  1. I don't think I will ever get myself to drink alcohol (no specific reason, I just don't like it). But the post, and the pictures, were very interesting!

    My WW post is called "At the movies". It will be up in about 2 hours.

    Happy WW!

  2. I like learning something new...though I'm not a wine drinker.

  3. I think the world definitely needs more welcoming wine ladies (or men, either way). I love the way the hoses are set up like gas pumps, too.

    Very interesting post.

  4. buying wine just like the way putting gas into the cars? Whoa!

  5. Any age limit to pump wine? :P

  6. That's some interesting wine output hose!

  7. a wine station? galing! but i think that won't really good here in the phils! hehe :)

    Happy WW!

    Just Me.. Eds
    My Precious
    Mommy Life

  8. Thanks for the explanation. I stopped by earlier, and had no idea what I was looking at, lol.

    Interesting, I learn something new everyday! My post is up, be sure to stop by.

  9. Very interesting. Hope I can visit that place someday.

    Mine is up now. Glad to see you back.

    Happy WW!!

  10. Oh cool! I learned something new, had heard the word demijohn but didn't know what it was. And a wine lady pumping wine--that's really interesting! Thanks for sharing and thanks for visiting me. Happy WW!

  11. Welcoming wine ladies. Wine Stations. I am soooo jealous!

  12. wow this is an interesting entry to WW. I have never heard of demijohn or wine 'stations' before! :)

  13. Wow, how do I get a welcome wine lady???


    Mine is up here:

    I do Tell Me Thursdays so I dont have to stay wordless for my pic on Wednesday! :-)

  14. Those are cool shots. I can't get over the idea of wine pumps. Wild.

  15. How marvellous! I like that idea. Do you then get a pipe from the car into your house? That would be cool

  16. Thanks for the explaination, this American would have had no clue what she was looking at either! That is too cool. Thanks for teaching me something new today! And thanks for stopping by!


  17. That is so cool! Who would have thought, a wine filling station :D lol!

    Happy WW! Thanks for dropping by.


  18. I think I learn something new everyday by visiting blogs. I've never seen wine in bottles like that. That shows you what a world traveler I am. :)
    Gina @ Gina's Public Diary

  19. I would love a wine filling station in my neighborhood.

  20. Do you bottle the wine afterwards? because 30 liters of wine is a lot of wine, lol! It couldn't be done here in Spain because of the warm weather, you'd have to bottle it and make sure it is tightly closed or you'd have many liters of vinager for your salad!
    Happy ww, interesting pics :)

  21. That´s very cool! I could go for a wine station right about now . . . oh, wait, it´s not even 10 am here. :S

  22. Great pictures! I had no idea you could pull into a wine station and "fill 'er up".

  23. fun pics. thanks for stopping by.

  24. with the price of gas these days, wine may be cheaper. And it would definitely smell better!!

    What a fabulous world we live in... thanks for sharing and Happy Wordless!

  25. I agree - wine and food are perdect partners!

    Happy WW! Thanks for dropping by my blog :)

  26. Really interesting photos!!

    Thanks for stopping by!!
    Happy WW!

  27. Wine from a tap in the wall - great! And I always thought the bottles were called damejeanne!!! now I know better, in case you are not just pulling my leg!

  28. Reminds me of the Cooperative in France, only the pumps there are inside, not out on the street!

  29. That's amazing. They pump wine like they do with gas!

  30. I like my wine every now and then so thanks for sharing these photos! :) Great pick for WW!

  31. wow.. just like a gas station!

  32. Wow! Now that is a 'filling station'. lol


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