95th Birthday

I'm sorry, haven't been writing this last few days and missed out a few visits. It's been pretty busy days for us here. It's 95th Birthday of my great-grandmother-in-law!!!!

Sorry to all who gave tags I will do it soon!

I missed being online! I just lost some bucks for not working... Got a PPP direct task but I didn't get it...Argghhhh!!! already expired...

I just found out today that I was nominated "again" for PINOYWORLD BLOG OF THE WEEK... Thanks a lot! Have a great day everyone!


  1. Well that a very good reason to be temporarily out of the blogosphere.
    VEry best wishes and many happy returns of the day.

  2. What a celebration!

    I voted for you.
    My WW is Wisconsin Loons.

  3. That's a beautiful shot. Wow, 95 is a wonderful birthday to celebrate.

  4. Congratulations to your great grandmother in law. I hope you all had a great celebration.

  5. Best wishes to Great Gran. She's surely hangin' in there na?
    - Mojo

  6. WOW! That really deserves a big celebration!!!
    Happy Birthday to your great MIL.

  7. Happy birthday!!! 95 years is a wonderful achievement!

  8. 95 years!!! happy birthday to your great grand mother in law :)

  9. belated happy bday to your G-MIL! ;)

  10. What a great life! The stories I'm sure she could tell =)

    Great reason to be absent.

  11. Great shot. One you will treasure.

  12. Wow, I hope she enjoyed her 95th birthday. What a celebration.

  13. Happy birthday, dear lady!

    God bless.

  14. I'm sure she enjoyed her birthday :)
    Late but I hope it's ok,
    wishing her a great great birthday with many more to more :)

  15. Wow 95, Wishing your Great Grandma a Happy Belated Birthday!

  16. Happy Birthday to your Grandmother in law.

  17. happy birthday to u r grand mom the blog is very nice i was added u r blog in my friends link also visit my new post in Amazing blog ,
    jack ,
    deaty.please add my
    blog in to your fiends link list.


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