
I have put blogging aside... sorry guys!!!! Been busy this passed weeks... Thank you so much for your visits when I was away. Some of my friends brought my attention that I am missing on the big divvy of my life.... "blogging." Now, I am back, I will catch up with what I have missed at your blogsites.


  1. Welcome back. Ah you have the Christmas tree up? We won't do that for a couple of weeks yet. Happy WW

  2. Preparing for X'mas already? ;)

  3. Yep its that time of year! Welcome back :)

    Happy WW :)

    My WW entries for today are at:

    Pastyme With Good Companye

    The Paranormal Blog

    Nuttin' But

    Please stop by if you have a moment :)

  4. I know how that goes. Seems like I spend a good bit of every single day responding to comments. And if I miss a day I can never quite catch up completely!

    I guess that's the "price of fame", eh?

  5. Looks like Christmas!

  6. Christmas decorations already? Happy WW:)

  7. We tried to get the ornaments out last weekend but we couldn't find the key to the shed

  8. I was thinking about starting early this year too. Happy WW: http://tinyurl.com/5j9ddg

  9. Nice decors.. kami dpa ngdedecorate hahah! Happy Wordless!


  10. Very pretty. Do you do an all-white tree?

  11. I am so excited now. I have been getting decorations out since Halloween. hehe

    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  12. thanks for the visit, looks like you're pretty busy with decors! happy wordless!

  13. Love the silver ornaments. Thanks for the visit, happy WW to you also :)

  14. I admit, I am already counting the days till Christmas!

    Happy WW. :)

  15. I haven't dug out my Christmas ornaments yet. I love decorating the tree.

  16. Looks like you're all ready in setting up the X'mas tree! :)
    Welcome back and I'll love to see the finished art work of your tree! :)

  17. Silver balls, silver balls, it's Christmas time in city...

    Haven't even put up thanksgiving decorations up yet. Jealous.

    Hope your week is going really well for you. Cheers! ;)


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