Weekend craze!

We're moving into a full clinch of summer heat now. We went last weekend to nearby town and looked this ice cream shop... Just love to share this capture of mine last weekend!!!
Hi! Mommy Rose, I hope you have a great birthday. I want to wish you a very happy birthday and hope you have another wonderful year!


  1. Wow, that's so cute. Have a great day. Mine's up here

  2. Oh icecream! I love the shot.

  3. That's so cute and so yummmmm. I love to have that to cool off the summer heat. :)

  4. mmm...those are yummy seats :-) have a great week.

  5. Those seats are really creative and interesting looking!! :)

  6. Have a nice weekend! Mine is up! Hope to hear from you soon!

  7. At a 1st glance, i don't think i will sit of those "seats" cos it will "wet" my pants. ;p

  8. those chairs are so cute! great idea for stools in an ice cream shop.

  9. oh i'd love to visit this store. i'm an ice cream addict myself.thank you soomuch for the visit. till next WS!

  10. Those seats are fun. Bring on summer!

  11. fect chairs for an icecream parlour, they even look comfortable.
    I love icecream.

  12. Now those are some interesting chairs!

  13. cool, thats a really fun stools to seat on!
    have a great Monday, jazevox


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