A sky full of silent sun!

I have been off the blog sphere for the past few years busy as ever with my pretty life. I missed blogging on some substantial things and hoping I can make it up... Now I'm back and I am rounded out of pending topics to write ... like the sky that full of silent sun, I don't know where to start ... LOL!


  1. Hiya,

    You may want to repost your link on skywatch, as I couldn't get it to work.
    Got here by typing in the address.

    Very nice sky image you chose for us tonight.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well, welcome back! I love your picture. I enjoy putting tree branches in my photos too. They are so dramatic when they are bare.

    I appreciate your stopping by to say hello and hope that you'll keep up with your posting.

    God bless,

  4. welcome back to skywatching.

  5. this is so nice.. see you at skywatch :)

    have a nice day ahead.

  6. nice shot! I like how the sun rays shoot out. welcome to Friday My Town Shoot Outs.

  7. Glad you found your way back. You have a beautiful shot there for sure. Mystical looking.

  8. Ooo what a pretty sky shot!! Welcome to FMTSO!! So glad you could join us!! Sarah :)

  9. I love your crisp star burst! What a great capture and view!

  10. Thank you for your kind comment. Must be nice to be back, I am very new and find it very interesting.
    Your images is what i need right now here in Drammen, Norway. Thank you.
    Have a nice weekend.

  11. welcome back! the bright sun is a good sign.:p

  12. beautiful, it is hard to juggle our real lives with our on line lives.

  13. great shot! love the sun, sky and clouds it one! stunning! PinayMum - Mommy's Life Around...wishing you a great weekend!

  14. What a pleasing image. Love that sunburst. Welcome back to blogging.

  15. This is a great photo to get back blogging again ;-)
    Have a nice week!


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