
Can you remember the Simpsons episode? "The Mansion Family"... Hoping I did not messed up the exact quote it seems like "Honeydew is the money melon".

Anyway, honeydew melon provides an excellent source of Vitamin C and Vitamin A.


  1. My kids adore any kind of melon. Happy WW!

  2. yes, that's a lot of honeydew for sure - makes me long for fresh melons but it's too early around here for that. Happy WW and thanks for visiting my blog too.

  3. nice melons! i don't remember that simpsons episode :( i'll have to try to find it. do you know what season it was?

  4. My mouth is watering!!! It's going to be about three more months before I can have any of that wonderful melon.

  5. Looks delicious! Like the others, I'd love some now too but not in Ireland ;(

  6. That is quite the display of melons. I love honeydew!

  7. do you have any idea exactly how many melons there are there? wowza! quite the striking photo.

  8. I love honeydew and you have an awful lot of them! LOL.

  9. I love the flavor of honey dew! I'm curious about the Simpson episode now. I'll have to look for it.

    Have a Wonderful Wordless Wednesday!


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