Finding and Reaching the Right Man

How can we find and reach the right man? This is one of woman's sweet-nothing-talks. I came up to put myself 2 years ago, everything goes at the start of the relationship but the further into, I get more things start to fall apart. Yeah! the beginning it seems so close to that lifelong relationship, only to see it crumbled away. I have been burned by bad relationships, been down so many dead-end roads and end up in one groping-dark-blind lane after another..... Their are times that, I don't even want to drive anymore and promptingly green-eyed, if I can possibly find Mr. Right?.... I had shelves full of books and magazines about relationships and got read everything..... but 'thinking' it's too late for me, I'm in my 30's and yet I couldn't find the right one for me. That time I couldn't simplify the process in finding a love that lasts...... But when I got this guidelines. Finally! I've found HIM my "Mr. right" to fulfill my dreams and to spend the rest of my life.

Just follow these guidelines when your looking for "Mr. Right" you will find it someday. Once you truly grasp this, you possess the key to find and reach Mr. Right "who has the locks to fit your keys". You desertedly deserve a right man that enjoy, share your deepest longings, your sense of direction and thankful having the real you. You just have to keep your chin up and be yourself. Trust me on these, you make your life come to life.

***** Before you find a right man you have to find yourself..... Being alone does not mean being lonely. Take this time to find out who you are. Pamper yourself. Don’t jump from one relationship into another. Enjoy spending time with yourself. It’s your life. Enjoy it!
***** Most woman has a wish archive of characteristics she’s looking for a right man for life, the most important should be the word “available” Mr. Right should not be attached to anyone else. You procurely deserve your own man. If you find out that he is belongs to another stop seeing him immediately.

***** Break off to a man who looks good on paper. There’s an old buzzword that goes, “everything that glitters are gold". Yes!!! we live in a very materialistic culture where people are judged by their hallmark labels instead of their deep-seated characteristics. Remember , when you choose a man with a gooky painted characteristics you will end up emotionally depleted.

***** Start thinking a man that you may not have looked or noticed before. Don’t bound yourself in dating a characteristic type of man. Go out with different or colorful blazon types of men and open up your borderlines. This does not mean that you are a stingy penny-pinching person. It simply means that you just want choices in order.

*****Set the standards for your relationship by treating your man the way you want to be treated.

The right man is one part hackneyed impression and one part preparation it’s about being honest with ourselves and widening our mate best draft choices.


  1. i like it girl, hope you post some more.

  2. very well said...i hope i could my mr right soon...keep on posting you've got the power!


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