13 Ways to Help Make Your Marriage Last

1. Cuddle your spouse several times each day.
2. Assert "positively" your spouse and say something nice.
3. Be gentle to your spouse.
4. Make something caring and romantic for your spouse.
5. Don't discuss the faults of your spouse.
6. Giggle together.
7. Do a few things together, like taking a walk and cooking dinner.
8. Do something extra special to one another.
9. Fight fair.
10. Don't try to change your spouse.
11. Be willing to forgive.
12. Don't assume that your spouse is a mind reader.
13. Admit formally that there will be some disagreements that you two will never resolve and that it is normal in successful marriages.


  1. What a great list and I hope that it helps many couples. I definitely agree that spouses are not mind readers. It took me almost 18 years of marriage to figure that one out. It's so much easier when I just tell my husband what I am thinking.

  2. Very good, we regularly try to do all of these!


  3. Great list. I would add: do no clip your spouse's wings.

  4. Great list. I've been married for 9 years and we do try to do most of these. Great advice.

  5. Yes i agree that one should not marry to change the other.

  6. I had to read this twice. What great advice. I took notes:) Happy TT.

  7. Great reminders of things to help not take your spouse for granted.

  8. Thank you for the reminder. We apparently do really well during ER visits. Happy TT.

  9. My mother's 57 year secret - never have a loaded gun in the house!

    The Pink Flamingo

  10. Wish I could live up to this list!

  11. After almost 40 years of marriage n° 1 made me laugh, but I agree very much to n°12

  12. oh i totally agree with that list, well said!! thanks for stopping by, and happy TT!

  13. First I think I need a spouse. Well, and before that a boyfriend... geesh, I have a lot of work to do! :0

  14. very good advice. we cuddle all the time, i love that. i hope he'll still want to cuddle with me tonight after i tell him about the $200 speeding ticket i got today coming home from the pediatrician. maybe i'll send him over to this list. haha!

  15. ery good advice:)

  16. I'll add: Work opposite shifts. It makes you appreciate the time you have together.

    Thanks for stopping by my Terrorist Tactics.

  17. Thank you pretty life! All good suggestions for a happy marriage! :)

  18. Excellent list. That's basically what we do.

    Happy TT!

  19. interesting list If we accept people for who and where they are we can express desires for change together

  20. Very good suggestions...I agree with #10 and #12


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