Things to quit these days!
1. Self doubt. *** The worst mugger to creativity is self-doubt, make us lose the good deal when we have to win the great deal. If you can remove your self-doubt and believe in yourself, you can do what you never thought possible. Don't let the limitations of others bitter end your vision! 2. Over thinking. ***Is like playing with fire, over thinking causes mental health to downturn and declines to psychological problems, like depression and anxiety. 3. Worrying. *** At the end of one's rope is an uneasy feeling or being overly concerned about a situation can lead to common distress or uneasiness of mind, a well-known disorder involves to tension, nervousness and a general feeling of unrest that emblem your whole life. 4. Bending over backwards to make everyone happy. *** Making others happy can lead you to miserable lifeblood, for the reason that you will stop focusing on your own needs, choices and you put all o...