Spanish bread

A popular bakery nibble-snack from the Philippines with a sweet buttery filling, but no one can wholly explain how it primed to get its name "Spanish bread(?)".

Bread Dough

  • 200 ml evaporated milk, 
  • 10 grams of  active dry yeast,
  • 4 and 1/2 cup all-purpose flour ( reserve 1/2 cup for kneading),
  • 1/2 tsp salt,  
  • 3/4 cup sugar,
  • 1/3 cup vegetable oil,
  • 2 large eggs,
  • 3/4 cup bread crumbs (for bread coating),
  • water (for brushing).

Bread Filling

  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour,
  • 1/3 cup butter,
  • 2/3 cup white or brown sugar,
  • 1/3 cup evaporated milk.

Bread Dough Making:

In a mixing bowl, throw in together the milk and yeast, mix up a bit until yeast is liquefied and let stand for 5 to 10 minutes for spumescent-yeasty intermixture.  Add the extra milk, eggs, sugar, oil and salt. Stir everything with a spatula.  Add 4 cups of flour, one cup at a time while spritzing just enough of the remaining  flour and keep stirring until the dough make the scene into a tangled mass doughTurn the dough over on a floured board and knead it until it is smooth and elastic, about 5 to10 minutes. As you knead, dust your hands and your board as needed to help with the stickiness of the dough. Shape the dough into a ball and place it in a bowl. Cover and let rise for  2 hours, or until the size is doubled. Smoothly nudge the dough down and divide it into pieces, using a small rolling pin flatten each portion into an oval or triangular   that is about a hand size. Spread about a tablespoon of the filling across the surface of the dough and roll it into a log. Repeat with all the other portions. Brush water on each of the rolls and dip them in breadcrumbs. Arrange the rolls in a large baking tray that is greased or lined with baking paper.  Bake the Spanish bread for 20 minutes, or until the rolls are lightly golden in 170°C.

Bread Filling:

Rouse heat  the butter in a small saucepan until meltedly fizzy, add the flour,  stir the mixture vibrantly, add the milk, add the sugar until it fused all the ingredients and keep stirring until the mixture unlatches up.  Set aside to cool to have a heavyset paste.


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