Do you ever wonder if there's really a certain reason why people come into your life?

We can learn something from everyone we meet. I do believe that people came into our lives to help us learn the game or to inspire us sometimes, so YES people pass through our lives and as the saying goes, some for a reason, some for a season and some for a lifetime and we learn from those who are kind, and while others we learn to deal with it... When good things we discover by chance with that kind of people we meet and we all like to believe that we have such fortune to continue believing 'everyone comes into our lives for a reason'. But sometimes you find someone similar in that way as you and you can now really appreciate them for who they are because you appreciate it in yourself, a kinesthesia right (?)

I have met people throughout my life who have served a great purpose, during my corporate years,  and  enthroned to meet someone who would help guide my career. But I have learned to cut out the off-coloured people in my life and keep in store, those who bring positivity and highly prized mindset. In the end, I have become a stronger person with purview-senses, even though it dragged through what seemed like endless amounts of obscurity. 

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